Video shows activist, poet being fatally stabbed in front of girlfriend in NYC

Disturbing new video shows the moment a big-hearted activist and talented poet was randomly stabbed to death in front of his girlfriend, who desperately tried to get help in the aftermath of the harrowing attack in Brooklyn.

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Disturbing new video shows the moment a big-hearted activist and talented poet was randomly stabbed to death in front of his girlfriend, who desperately tried to get help in the aftermath of the harrowing attack in Brooklyn.

Ryan Carson, 32, can be seen sitting on a bus stop bench in Bedford-Stuyvesant and speaking with his girlfriend as the two made their way home from a wedding on Long Island just before 4 a.m. Monday, according to the surveillance footage.

Wearing a gray suit, Carson and the young woman, dressed in a blue, sleeveless gown, get up and begin to walk down the block, in the same direction as a man in a dark sweatshirt who had just strolled past the pair at the B38 bus stop, with his hood up over his head and his hands in his pockets.

Just feet ahead of them, the stranger begins kicking scooters parked near the curb for no apparent reason, the footage — obtained by The Post on Tuesday — shows. 

Suddenly, the unhinged man turns to Carson and says, “What the f–k are you looking at?”

The beloved community activist — who replied that he wasn’t looking at anything — then stepped between his girlfriend and the irate stranger, who began to advance on the couple.

The couple was sitting at a bus stop bench chatting moments before the deadly attack occurred. Obtained by NY Post

“I’ll kill you!” the maniac threatens as Carson pleads with him to “Chill! Chill!” and holds up his hand.

But the attacker pursues Carson, pulling a knife, as the victim’s girlfriend, running up behind them, is heard frantically yelling, “Please, please, please!”

As he runs, Carson tumbles over the bench the couple had earlier been sitting on.

The attacker is seen approaching as Carson tries to back away. Obtained by NY Post
The suspect allegedly seethed, “What the f–k are you looking at?” before attacking Carson without warning. Obtained by NY Post

The assailant then grabs his jacket and knocks him onto the ground, savagely stabbing him multiple times in the chest as the victim’s girlfriend catches up to them. 

He then walks away as Carson lies curled up on the ground, before returning and approaching the terrified woman, who raises her hand to stop him.

The sicko spits on her — while still clutching the knife — before kicking the mortally wounded Carson and storming away.

The maniac can be seen turning on the mortally wounded victim’s girlfriend, spitting in her face. Obtained by NY Post
The savage murder took place after the couple had attended a wedding together. CLAUDIAPOSTING/Twitter

An unknown woman then appears near the corner of the frame, yelling, “Don’t hurt him!” at the crazed man and repeating what sounds like the name “Brian” or “Bryan.”

Investigators believe that the woman and the suspect knew each other prior to the slaying, police sources said Tuesday.

“I’m so sorry!” the same woman exclaims as she approaches Carson, still lying on the sidewalk, as his worried girlfriend stands at his side. 

“Go watch him,” the victim’s girlfriend directs the woman while pointing at the attacker. 

Carson is seen on the ground after the attack. Obtained by NY Post
Carson’s girlfriend kneels over him before first responders arrive. Obtained by NY Post

“I’m calling 911,” she adds.

The video cuts off as the girlfriend kneels over her loved one’s body, gently moving his arm that had been hanging over his face.

She held her gravely injured boyfriend in her arms before he was rushed to Kings County Hospital Center, but it was too late — as a stab wound had pierced his heart, according to cops and sources.

The horrific attack happened at Lafayette Avenue and Malcolm X Boulevard, just blocks from the Bedford-Nostrand avenues train station, where the couple had gotten off the subway on their way home from the wedding, cops said. 

No arrests had been made in the heinous crime by Tuesday afternoon, but a “Wanted” poster circulated showing a close-up of the suspect wearing a black Champion sweatshirt. 

Investigators have not recovered the murder weapon, which sources said the suspect initially tossed in a pile of trash before quickly going back to retrieve it.

A pair of glasses — apparently worn by the victim — and two books that Carson’s girlfriend appeared to have been carrying during the violent ordeal were found by investigators at the site of the attack.

Carson — who came to the Big Apple from the Boston area in 2010 to attend Pratt Institute — was a senior solid waste campaign manager at the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), according to his LinkedIn. 

His activism focused on sustainability and environmental policies, friends told The Post. 

In a statement, NYPIRG called Carson “a beloved staffer, colleague and friend, and a creative, talented, relentless and upbeat advocate for students and the environment.”

“His engaging personality, hearty laugh, and wide-ranging intelligence were keys to his success in advancing the causes he deeply cared about in his work and personal life,” the organization said of their dedicated employee. “Ryan was a consummate team player who would happily undertake the basic ‘blocking and tackling’ tasks necessary to advance and win on an issue, but also shined in the spotlight as a leader, campaign manager, and spokesperson.”

Ryan Carson was a selfless advocate and poet who was well-loved by his friends. Facebook

A roommate who declined to give his name told The Post that 150 people attended a Monday night vigil for Carson in Bedford-Stuyvesant. 

“At the vigil, we asked people, ‘Who here is a better person because of Ryan Carson?’” the roommate said Tuesday.

“And almost everyone in that crowd raised their hand.”

When the roommate heard of Carson’s death, he said, his thoughts immediately turned to those who would be impacted by the tragic loss. 

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“Who do I call? How do I let people know?” he said he thought. 

But the alleged attacker hadn’t crossed his mind as much, he said. 

“[The suspect] is the least important part of this conversation,” the roomie added. “I have no feelings of vengeance and I don’t think that’s healthy. I’m not angry about that.”

Another roommate and friend, Tom Krantz, 31, said Monday that it was remarkable “how much [Carson] actually did for the entire city and for his friends.

“He’s really … like the epicenter of an entire community that he created, that he brought together.

“I don’t think anyone is exaggerating when they say he would give the shirt off his back,” the roommate added.

“He was the guy that bent over backward time and time again to be there with his friends.” 

He once walked 500 miles across New York “to raise awareness to pass legislation for the institution of the first overdose prevention facility in the state,” said friend and former classmate Alex Harristhal, 29.

Carson was also a published poet, who once penned a poem called “Anxiety” about fears over his own death — namely about the “inconvenience” his passing would cause others. 

“That it could come while someone waits for me, that I couldn’t call to let them know I was held up,” he wrote in the poem.

Carson, originally from the Boston area, moved to the Big Apple in 2010 to attend Pratt Institute.

Acadia Cutschall, 32 — who attended school with Carson, volunteered with him, and called him her “best friend” — went to his stoop to mourn his death Monday. 

“I was present once when he literally talked a guy out of mugging him,” Cutschall said. “He gave him some money.” 

If Carson had the opportunity, he may have even lent a hand to the man who took his life, according to Cutschall. 

“He would probably help out a guy like that,” she said.

Additional reporting by Haley Brown and Paul Martinka

